188 Comox AF&AM

The Friendly Lodge with The Innovative Spirit


Private Room

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  • Hello Brothers!
    Welcome to our new site. We still have a lot of work to do but like all things, we’re a work in progress.

Welcome to Comox Lodge No. 188 – The Friendly Lodge with an Innovative Spirit

Nestled in the heart of Courtenay, British Columbia, Comox Lodge No. 188 is known for its warm fellowship and forward-thinking approach to Masonic traditions. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Courtenay Masonic Hall, located at 361 5th Street, Courtenay, BC. (Chairlifts are available for accessibility.)

Before our meetings, we gather for a social hour and dinner at 5:30 PM, offering an opportunity for Brothers, visitors, and those curious about Freemasonry to connect in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

In addition to our regular meetings, we occasionally hold emergent meetings on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Please refer to the calendar in the sidebar for upcoming dates. (Note: We go dark in July and August, meaning no meetings are held during these months.)

At Comox Lodge No. 188, we take pride in fostering strong bonds of brotherhood while embracing new ideas that enhance our Masonic journey. Whether you are a visiting Brother or someone interested in learning more, we invite you to reach out or join us during our social hour.

We look forward to welcoming you!

February 2025